Monday, 30 January 2012

What time is it?

Do you know how to tell the time in English? Try this exercise.

1r D - Create a Voki

Hello, today I want you to create a personal Voki. First of all, on a piece of paper, prepare a short text in which you introduce yourself (name, age, where you live, brothers and sisters, eyes, hair, two things you can do and two things you can't do). Then, click on this LINK to create your own Voki. Select a character, change the look, choose a background and add your text. When you finish, send your Voki to your teacher at: Have fun!!!
Teacher's Voki

ESO 1 D - Animal Posters

Hello, here you have some animal posters my students in ESO 1 D have been doing this week.

Treasure Hunt - New Zealand

New Zealand is a pretty unknown country for us as it is so far away in the Southern Hemisphere. By taking this Treasure Hunt you will learn some facts about this amazing country.
New Zealand

Webquest - Let's Celebrate!

Cada país té la seva cultura, les seves tradicions i la seva pròpia manera de celebrar les festes. La missió d'aquesta webquest és investigar de quina manera els nostres veïns anglosaxons preparen i gaudeixen d’aquests dies tan assenyalats.

Webquest - Quest to Recycle!

This Webquest was designed to make students understand the importance of Natural Resources and the need to manage and conserve them and also to explain the concept of recycling.

Monday, 23 January 2012


Hello boys and girls! Today I have chosen some exercises to practise pronunciation in English. I hope you have fun!!!
Soft 'c'
Magic 'e'
'oo' words
Silent letters
'ng' words
'th' words

Saturday, 21 January 2012


Learn the numbers and dates in English with this interactive picture dictionary exercise.
Numbers (easy)
Numbers (medium)
Ordinal numbers in dates
Numbers (difficult)
Big numbers 10-100,000
Dates 2

Thursday, 19 January 2012


We are all citizens in the same world.
JClic activity

Sunday, 8 January 2012

Present Simple

Hello boys and girls. I hope you had a lot of presents during your Christmas holidays but now it's time to start work again. Here you will find some exercises to refresh your memory.  Have fun!!!
Ordering sentences
Ordering sentences 2
Daily Routines
Daily Routines video
Using the present simple

Monday, 2 January 2012

Webquest - The year I was born

The year I was born is a webquest which will help students conduct research on the year they were born and create a powerpoint presentation to showcase the results of their research.